在国际上,对这三个概念比较权威的机构是国际清算银行的支付结算委员会。在其《Core Principles for Systemically Important Payment Systems》报告中,对这几个概念进行了界定:
支付(payment):是付款人向收款人转移可以接受的货币债权的过程(The payer’s transfer of a monetary claim on a party acceptable to the beneficiary)
清算(clearing):是结算前计算、核对和确认付款的过程(The process of transmitting,reconciling and,in some cases,confirming payments prior to settlement,possibly including the netting of payments and the establishment of net positions for settlement。)
结算(settlement):是两个或者多个交易对手之间完成债权最终执行的过程。(An act that discharges financial obligations between two or more parties.)(此处原文解释。放出来让你们自己看,免得我翻译错了)