新华网7月30日电 据Gizmodo报道,香港居民杜先生的手机三星[微博]Galaxy S4突然爆炸,引发房屋失火,损失惨重。
手机在腿上爆炸把腿烧伤是一回事,可想必没有什么比手机爆炸引发房屋被彻底烧毁更可怕了吧。日前一香港居民称,他在使用三星Galaxy S4玩Love Machine(注:一款应用)时,就遭遇了这一惨剧。
It's one thing if your phone bursts into flames and cooks up your leg-meat real bad, but that's nothing compared to losing your whole apartment in an inferno. That's exactly what a Hong Kong man claims happened to him while he was just plugging away at Love Machine (an app, not a euphemism) on his Galaxy S4.
According the owner of the phone and apartment—identified only as "Du"—he was simply minding his own business when the phone's battery went out with a bang. Startled by the loud pop of the apparent explosion, Du quickly flung the handset under the couch, which promptly spread his fire problems from phone to home. And while the explosion was minor, the ensuing inferno did some real damage. Fortunately he and his wife escaped unscathed。
Du claims the phone was not charging at the time, and insists that the phone, battery, and charger were all official Samsung gear. But considering everything is burnt to a crisp, it's going to be tough to tell how much of Du's story is true. But if you just happen to find yourself with a flaming phone you just have to fling, maybe it'd be wise to aim for the sink。( 新华网 )
三星S4爆炸被指设计有缺陷 散热功能差 三星手机充电爆炸起火毁屋 机主称电池为原厂正品 三星能否跑在苹果前抢占智能手机市场先机? 智能电视国产品牌唱主角 三星销量遭重创 三星数字标牌解决方案为餐饮行业带来“加速度” 搜索更多: 三星 |